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International College's Vision
  1. To create graduates with professional skills and ethics to meet the needs of business and other industries.

  2. To develop the knowledge, aptitude and professional experience for personnel to get ready for ASEAN Community.

  3. To create research with invention and innovation that valuable to the community, society and country.

  4. Give the academic services to help communities develop the quality of life.

  5. To carry on and promulgate the Thai’s cultural and conserve the environment.

  6. Oriented management with good governance. 

International College's Mission
  1. To create graduates with ethics that according to the national education plan and promote education in accordance with the plan of national economic and social development with all of the aspect that acceptable by the public.

  2. Dedicating to promote research, upgrading academic with clear policies and guidelines, and encourage creating academic research work.

  3. To encourage promoting the knowledge and technologies that matches the real need of community.

  4. To make commitment, to the preserve and support Thai’s cultural and traditions in order to cultivate the consciousness, morality and ethic for students and anyone who interested of Thai’s beautiful tradition and culture. 

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